Registration fee Members of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS): 50 euros (Members of a national ceramic society affiliated to ECerS, like NKV and BCerS, are automatically ECerS member). Non-ECerS members: 65 euros.
How to register You can register - preferably instantly, but on Monday October 21 at the latest - by sending an e-mail to titled 'Advanced Ceramic Manufacturing in the Benelux - 25th of October' and stating your name and possibly the organisation/company that you represent. At the same time as your registration, you will pay the amount due on bank account number NL10 INGB 0001 8560 32 with BIC code INGBNL2A of 'Nederlandse Keramische Vereniging', mentioning your name, company and 'NKV-BCerS October 2024'.